
Is JOY the real solution to depression? 

Depression can make it feel as if your life is being drained by an unshakeable force. It can lead to feelings of emptiness, fatigue and the […]

How to gain confidence in social settings 

Do you admire those people who effortlessly swan into a social environment and just own their space… comfortable, relaxed, happy?  Your self worth being negative or […]

Finding your inner voice and managing negativity

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you feel powerless? Have you ever been in a relationship where you’re constantly put down, or you’ve […]

Why talk therapy doesn’t always work

 Therapy is an important part of many people’s lives. It can be difficult to know whether therapy is working for you or not, and there are […]


‘Mum Guilt’ can mean different things to different people. For example, some mums feel really guilty for having to leave their baby in someone else’s care […]

HYPNOTHERAPY or Hypno-Trickery? 

Like many people, you may have questions about hypnosis and what hypnotherapy may entail. You may be wondering; is it real, and if so, is it […]

Past TRAUMA and anxiety

We often assume that once a traumatic experience is over, we can simply move on with our lives without having to ever give it a second […]

The link between anxiety and self-medicating…

Did you know, anxiety is one of the worst contributors to addictive behaviour?  We all experience some level of anxiety throughout our lives. It is an […]

How to cope with a family member or friend who struggles with anxiety and depression 

If someone close to you is struggling with anxiety and depression, then you understand how difficult it can be to watch a loved one suffer alone […]