In a world where we are constantly bombarded with other people’s words, it can be easy to get caught up in the noise and forget our own truth. It is important to be resilient to other people’s words, criticism and judgement, and to connect with our own thinking, feeling and experiences.
When we are caught up in the noise of other people’s opinions, it is important to remember that we each have our own truth. We can evaluate what others say, recognise their meaning and assess whether their actions and words are constructive. However, at the end of the day, we each have to make our own decisions based on our own values and beliefs.
We each have our own truth, and we should make decisions based on our own values and beliefs.
The first step in being resilient to other people’s words, criticism and judgement is to connect to our own heart and tap into our own truth. It’s important to take a step back, breathe and evaluate how we’re feeling. We can be conscious of our own thoughts and feelings, and listen to our intuition. We can also examine our values and beliefs, and be honest about what is best for us personally. When faced with criticism or judgement, it can be tempting to push our own truth aside to please others, or to take the easy way out and accept what we think is expected of us. However, if we take the time to have an internal dialogue, we can come to a decision which reflects our own truth.
After connecting to our own heart, it’s important to also tune into the other person and assess their words and actions. We can evaluate their perspective and consider why they may have shared their opinion. We can also be curious and ask questions to gain a better understanding of what their beliefs and values may be. We can also use this as an opportunity to reflect on the feedback and acknowledge any hard truths. It can be difficult to face criticism and judgement, but if we take the time to evaluate the feedback objectively, we may find valuable learnings or insight into where we can make changes or improvements.
We can also be curious to identify any hard truths within the feedback or criticism which may be beneficial to our development and growth. We can take an outsider’s perspective and filter out the truth from the lies. We can remove any emotions from the equation and assess objectively what may be true. As we filter out the truth, we can investigate any implications and understand the consequences of any decisions. We can also establish whether we will be able to make any changes to ensure the outcome is desired. This level of inquiry will allow us to gain some clarity and create our own decision-making framework which is based on our own truth.
It is also essential to be aware of any inherent meaning we are giving to the actions and words of others. It is incredibly easy to be sensitive and to attach an emotional meaning to what is being said or done. It is important to understand if the criticism is true or if we are taking it personally and linking criticism to a fear or insecurity. In this situation, we should pause to reflect and investigate the fear or insecurity that is being triggered. This will allow us to gain clarity and differentiate between facts and opinions. It is our responsibility to be open and honest with ourselves and not attach any external meaning to our own values and beliefs.
Finally, we should remember that nothing anyone else does or says is actually about us.
We must remember to be kind to ourselves, and not take the actions and words of others personally.
We should recognise that our values, beliefs and perspectives are unique, and that we can learn from other people’s experiences. The key is to understand that we can seek guidance, advice and support from other people, but ultimately it is up to us to make our own decisions. We cannot rely on other people to make decisions on our behalf, so we must have faith in our own truth and be resilient to other people’s words, criticism, and judgement.
It is essential to be resilient to other people’s words, criticism and judgement. We can connect to our own heart and tap into our own truth. We can tune into the other person and assess their words and actions. We can be curious and filter out the truth, and recognise the meaning we are giving to actions and words. Finally, we should recognise nothing anyone else does or says is actually about us. As we practice being resilient, we can trust in our own truth and be confident in our decisions.