Hi, my name is Naomi Stockman from My Local Hypnosis. I’m a Sydney hypnotherapist and a nutritionist, and I would love to share my story with you about what I do, and to get to know you a little bit better.
I launched my clinic, My Local Hypnosis, back in July 2019, in Bella Vista, Sydney. Around the same time I was actually just graduating from the TRTP, the Richards Trauma Therapy.
One of the things that I’ve found in my work is that when I talk to people, the different things that somebody comes to a hypnotherapist for, or even a nutritionist for – there’s always an underlying problem. And my job is to uncover that underlying issue. Often, these can be from things that have happened years and years ago in a client’s life.
We have all heard those things that people say, ‘Oh, I’m over that I’ve had counselling for it. It doesn’t really bother me anymore’ – as I go through and I work with people on any issue, it may be for weight, maybe anxiety, maybe depression, maybe confidence, relationships, money….It doesn’t matter what it is and how the person got there, there is always a way forward, and that is where I can help.
I know it can help you because I was that person….and I want to share my story with you to inspire you and to show you that there really is a better world waiting for you out there.
My parents immigrated from Switzerland when I was young. Our family was, at the time, quite different from the average Australian family. My dad was quite aggressive and he was not always all that pleasant to be around. There was a lot of stress in our family and my mum was quite a passive and gentle kind of person, very quiet. It was a difficult situation.
I left home at 15 – and I left with a whole set of beliefs around myself and the world, which in hindsight weren’t all that supportive.
From 15 up until 22, I had some rough years. I ended up having two children before the age of 20, and I was extremely poor. There were literally times when we’d have no food and no electricity, I’d just had absolutely nothing. I was in a relationship that exposed me to drug addiction and all sorts of other things that were not good.
This was not the real me. The issue was set in my world at that time. I had to change everything about myself, my life, my beliefs, who I was, what I believed in, in order to change my situation around relationships, that people get married and they stay together forever, people have children, they stay together forever – despite it not being a healthy situation.
So leaving was really tough, it was a hugely traumatic time for me. One of the things that I found that helped was theLouise Hay books, and that led me to start my internal dialogue for the better – and at that time I was chanting about money because money was something I didn’t have. I would internally chatter day in and day out about having money and being blessed with money.
I would say daily ‘I have money, money, money, money, money’, and within five years, I had accumulated quite a lot of money! When you focus just on one area of your life, the rest of your life isn’t getting any attention. So my health fell apart. My kids fell apart. Everything else in my life fell apart. So I had a heap of money and nothing really else…
I was stressed. I was overworked. I was exhausted and I unfortunately developed cancer. I had remarried by that time, and my relationship broke down. I ended up in a messy separation and close to having a mental breakdown. That period of my life and going through cancer was tough and I remember lying in my hospital bed and thinking to myself, God, please let me leave….I had given up.
At about age 37 or 38, I had had enough, it was time that I started to take control of my life.
I wasn’t pleasing anybody else. I wasn’t striving or driving myself to do better. There was a lot of stress inside me from having to dissolve companies, dissolve, trusts, real estate and so forth. And I needed to be the best version of myself for me, and for my children.
Fast forward, it took me a little bit of time for me to move forward particularly in my current relationship and to get past underlying beliefs around being too old to have a baby, having children to different fathers and just self judgement. But I did it, and you can too.
Just like my own past, when getting to know a new client, there are always things that come up.
For example, when I ask, ‘when was the first time you noticed this feeling?’ or ‘when did this problem start?’ – there are always things or situations from our past that affect us today – after all, we are who we are today because of what we have experienced! The good and the bad!
A great example of this is something I noticed when my son was one year old. He would go to the edge of something. It wouldn’t matter if it was a 20 story building or the edge of the bed and he just launched himself straight off it! No fear whatsoever! And after he launched himself off a few things, he then started to realise that it was going to hurt or not end up as he thought it may!
He slowly learnt to step up to the edge cautiously – he first assesses the danger, makes a decision based on what he sees and then proceeds to reverse back from the edge about a metre and lowers himself down. Moving forward, that will become something that he will feel that he always knew as he grows up.
Think about it – some people say, ‘I have a fear of heights’. Well, you didn’t have a fear of heights when you were born! That’s something you learned! It is a learnt behaviour, just as my son ‘learnt’ to be cautious in certain situations.
And that’s the way we all are. And so whether it’s your relationship with food or your relationship with money, whether it’s feelings of anxiety, whether it’s the fact that you’re a people pleaser, if you can’t say no, whether it’s, um, having poor relationships or being in a relationship that’s not fulfilling to you where you’re not getting what you need.
The way that you’re experiencing life now is that way because of things that have been programmed into you.
Your unconscious mind believes it to be true. So if your parents worked a lot and they never had time for you, that feeling of ‘I’m not important’ carries through right through your life.
You may even find that in your adulthood, there’ll be situations where you are not somebody else’s priority. You might have that same feeling that you had as a child – people don’t recognise the connection because often the stuff that’s from our childhood, we’re not actually aware of what we took away from it. But these things CAN be problems in your adult life still today if they were not dealt with appropriately as a child.
One of the things that really blows my mind is the fact that we all live on the same planet, but we all live in completely different worlds. I see this so clearly all the time that the contrast between, say, my world that I live in and the world that my oldest son lives in for example. The contrast can be huge purely because of the way that person has grown up, the experiences they had, the people around them growing up and so forth. Just like two siblings from the same family that have two completely different versions of life, regardless of being raised by the same two parents.
When a client comes in and I want to tell them, ‘come into my world. My world is nice. There’s good people in my world. There’s wealth in my world. There’s happiness in my world. There’s family and support in my world.’ Those things are available to everybody, regardless of their situation.
As mentioned earlier, I didn’t always live in this world myself – so I am fully aware of how it feels to be told that life CAN be this way.
The world can feel completely different to what it feels for me now. And that’s one of the things that I really love about working with people with hypnosis is the fact that your whole world can change for the better!.
The unconscious core belief, this is the key! This is what brings about amazing change in people.
My clients start to notice that their whole world changes and they often say to me ‘you know, I went to work and people were nicer. I noticed that my kids were nice and my husband was nicer’. That’s all coming from when you change those unconscious core beliefs, the things that you perceive around you begin to change when you change.
Life changes when you change everything around you and your experience of the world changes. That’s why hypnosis is such a passion. I’ve completed an Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine, and this is important for those going through anxiety or depression because a lot of it has to do with a person’s nutrition.
Hypnosis is a method of reaching the unconscious and just reprogramming your life. You can have and BE absolutely anything that you desire, just by changing your unconscious beliefs! And that’s basically the purpose of sharing my story with you – that there’s no reason to be stuck anywhere in your life, whether it’s in a relationship, whether it’s in a job, whether it’s with your weight, your health, your financial position, your relationship with your kids or friendships or personality, whatever it is that that you have in your life, that’s causing you frustration or feelings of being stuck or disappointment, I can assist you with.
What I really wanted you to know today, and to empower you with was for you to know that your life – it can all change for you, for the better. You really can change your life to be anything that you’d like it to be!
The joy that I get now from working with people using hypnosis is priceless. Empowering others to live their best life is the best thing that I have ever done.
If there is anything I can help you with at all, just reach out and I’d be happy to have a chat. It’s always a good time for you to change whatever you are unhappy with in your life.
We run regular programs on overcoming anxiety and depression within six weeks. If this is of interest to you, contact us today! Or learn more here. We would love to see you in our next program!
Contact Naomi to discuss your needs at My Local Hypnosis today on 02 9056 3333 or email info@mylocalhypnosis