We have all had days where we feel lazy, and we just don’t have the energy resources to do anything, so we decide to indulge in a ‘lazy day’ and stay in our PJ’s, bingeing on Netflix, consuming junk food, catching up with friends via social media, napping and just enjoying chilling out. But once our batteries are recharged, and we have had enough of lazing around, we pick ourselves up off the couch, shower, freshen up and look forward to socializing and getting back to face-to-face interactions and activities.
For someone dealing with depression, however, their emotional and physical battery remains flat, and no amount of ‘lazy days’ seems to help, and whereas taking time out for yourself should be an enjoyable experience, someone suffering from depression does not have feelings of joy, relief, or self-care, in fact, they feel the quite the opposite and may experience feelings of guilt and even self-loathing.
Unfortunately, even though depression is one of the most common mental health conditions seen by primary care physicians today, the stigma that still surrounds mental illness causes many people suffering from this condition to rather keep it a secret for fear of being judged or ridiculed, and choose to not seek out the help they need, which regrettably could lead to a multitude of further problems.
Here are 5 symptoms and warning signs to look out for, that may indicate that someone could be struggling with depression.
There is a misconception that depression is only about feeling sad. This is not the case at all. Those who are secretly depressed will often feel things more intensely than usual because of how much they keep bottled up inside. This could manifest as anger, irritability, and sudden mood changes. Things that would otherwise seem minimal and would not have normally bothered someone, quickly irritate them and fill them with rage resulting in an unwarranted emotional outburst. An example of this is if someone becomes emotionally volatile to a simple question or comment, and starts crying, or becomes upset, or even has a full-fledged breakdown. This is because they are overwhelmed with the depths of all of their emotions and the weight of keeping it all ‘hidden’. So if you notice a friend, who is usually rational and calm, becoming increasingly moody, sensitive and short-tempered, it might be worth looking into why that is.
One of the tell-tale signs of depression is when someone has a persistent ‘flat-mood’. This is when an individual simply does not feel anything. No joy, no excitement, no sadness…nothing. They simply go through the motions of each day feeling flat, empty, and numb. Now we all experience times where we are tired and just not in the mood for something, but for someone with depression, this feeling is constant and relentless. They simply do not find joy or excitement in anything, even in things that once brought them immense pleasure and happiness. For example, if someone loved gardening, playing guitar, or even just hanging out with friends, but now they have absolutely no motivation whatsoever and no longer find any pleasure in the activity at all, it could be a warning sign of depression.
Depression can significantly influence our appetites. Sometimes when people are depressed they find that they use food for comfort and end up using food to try and fill the void that they feel inside. This may result in weight gain and further feelings of discomfort and unhappiness. On the other hand, some people lose their appetite, simply finding it too much of a mission to eat, and end up losing a substantial amount of weight. This is not to be confused with an eating disorder, which is an entirely different thing altogether. A sudden weight change, along with other symptoms of depression, such as feelings of worthlessness and decreased energy may be an indication of depression.
There is a strong link between depression and high-risk behaviors. While some people are born adrenaline-junkies who love the thrill of being in a racing car or hurtling towards earth from a bungee cord and have always been that way inclined, people with depression may suddenly take on risky behavior which is completely out of their character. Reckless driving, engaging in drugs, alcohol and unsafe sex are all examples of risky behavior. The reason is, the depressed person is trying to numb their intense emotional pain, and although these self-destructive actions may provide temporary distraction and relief, they do not permanently remove these deep feelings of shame, anger, loss, or anxiety, and so this inevitably perpetuates the cycle of reckless behavior, which means that often, the behaviour may escalate from small things such as shoplifting to more dangerous activities which will result in ultimately endangering a person’s life.
As mentioned earlier, depression robs a person of energy and any motivation to do tasks that were once second nature them. One way this manifests is a decrease in someone’s hygiene. Simply brushing teeth can feel like a mammoth struggle, and showering feels downright impossible. There is just no energy or will for a person in a depressive episode to do any self grooming or to even care about their appearance for that matter. So if a friend who usually has pristine hygiene is suddenly looking more and more disheveled and no longer seems to care about their appearance or personal hygiene, then this may be a warning sign that they are experiencing a depressive episode.
If you suspect someone is secretly depressed, you can show your support by reaching out to them. This may help them and give them the courage to move towards getting the professional mental health care they need to improve, and ultimately live a calm and confident life.