Joy is our natural inherent state. Anything less is suppression, fragmentation, and disconnection.
What causes us to suppress joy?
We lose our ability to connect with joy when we deny our free living true expression of SELF.
The cause of that suppression…
is FEAR.
Who am I to be wildly, passionately, and unashamedly… ME?
The feedback from our carers and people around us is to squash our nature and fit in. We often discover how good we are at pleasing and accommodating others… and that provides us with safety and acceptance.
Two necessities for survival.
Or perhaps we respond to our internal hurt and anger and develop another type of identity to rebel against the suppression and fear… by fighting back.
Whatever the adaptation, a little part of us, or sometimes a big part, is denied, or fractured – leaving us with an identity that is programmed a certain way – and usually JOY is not part of that persona.
We worry about what others will think of us. We worry we are not:
Spending our lives avoiding:
…WHILE missing out on the joy we were born with.
We battle our own internal demons because when that natural joy is missing, we seek it in places that boost our dopamine artificially, like gambling, social media, alcohol, work, and so many more life-robbing activities.
And then there is judgment, which robs our joy.
If we have learned to fear being judged we are crippled… crippled by the comparison of others and the comparison we make of ourselves and the gap perceived between others and us.
As babies we didn’t doubt our adequacy, acceptability or ability… the moment we receive feedback that we don’t measure up, are displeasing in some way, or are incapable… Our joy begins to be robbed… by our self-conscious-ness.
YOU are a powerful entity, with unlimited potential.
YOU already know how to be happy, but you’re subscribing to a life that isn’t your destiny, that is not working for you… and you haven’t realised who you really are and what you’re made of.
You think happiness is OUT THERE. If things were different, if you had the love you wished for, the home, the job, the money, the body, the relationship, the friends… these are just gaps that cause you to stay stuck.
They are infected, festering and inflamed because they’ve been shoved aside, shut down, denied… perhaps even used as an excuse, to justify why you’re not feeling the JOY of being alive. Emotions like that will drive your behaviour. It’s toxic… and so are the thoughts that drive them, the triggers, and the past hurts.
Like all festering things, these need cleansing, sun and healing.
I create content to lead people towards JOY, love, peace and knowing the self… away from the shadows of despair, pain and fear.
Please check out my YouTube channel and support my work, and let’s light up the world, together.
Naomi Stockman