

‘Mum Guilt’ can mean different things to different people. For example, some mums feel really guilty for having to leave their baby in someone else’s care […]

HYPNOTHERAPY or Hypno-Trickery? 

Like many people, you may have questions about hypnosis and what hypnotherapy may entail. You may be wondering; is it real, and if so, is it […]

Past TRAUMA and anxiety

We often assume that once a traumatic experience is over, we can simply move on with our lives without having to ever give it a second […]

The link between anxiety and self-medicating…

Did you know, anxiety is one of the worst contributors to addictive behaviour?  We all experience some level of anxiety throughout our lives. It is an […]

Is my Anxiety affecting my children?

We often take it for granted that children will be okay, but what if they are not… If children are so susceptible to their environment, then […]

Emotional Hijacking

Emotional Hijacking and how you can overcome it  Like many of us, you can probably recall a time when you became so instantaneously enraged, that you […]

How to stimulate the vagus nerve

You may be wondering, what exactly is the vagus nerve, and why on earth would I need to stimulate it? The vagus nerve is the main […]


Many women tend to experience changes in their mood and emotions along with physical discomfort around a week or so before their periods. The severity of […]

How to activate your brain’s natural anti-anxiety remedy

Is there a way to naturally boost the feel-good chemicals in your brain to reduce anxiety and your overall mood? Absolutely. And one of the easiest […]